July Open Water Class Orientation
Prior to getting into the pool for your first confined, open water session, we will have a class orientation for you to attend. The orientation is held at Salem Scuba, in our exterior classroom. (The little red ‘barn’ right next to our shop.)
During your PADI Open Water Diver class orientation, we will cover everything that you’ll need to know about your pool sessions, open water weekend, etc. Plus, we will answer any questions that you might have. Once the orientation is finished, we’ll head to the rental area, and get everyone fitted with gear for the pool.
In closing, the orientation is a very important piece of your PADI Open Water Diver class. While attending, you’ll also get to meet your fellow students, and the PADI Professionals who will be helping you achieve your certification goals.
For these reasons (and others), it is important that you make plans to attend the orientation.
Sincerely, Charline and Dea
July Open Water Class Orientation